pls write this story in 150-200 words

Birds are lived in a forest once a year was very hot and dry the king 9f bird suggested all birds to migrate but a greedy sparrow noticed carts with basket of grain it seen and dashed to eat but his friends warned him to not go to there but they went and eat the owner spread a net and it was caught
Once up on a time there were birds living in a forest happily. Suddenly one year the place became hot and dry. The king of that place got worried about that birds and suggested them migrate to a cool place. The birds started to migrate but one greedy sparrow noticed carts with baskets of grain moving to market. The sparrow dashed to eat the grains but her bird friends warned her not to go and also said the owner might kill them. The birds scared and pleased the greedy sparrow not to go. The greedy sparrow without listening to the birds enjoyed her meal but suddenly owner spread a net and the greedy sparrow was caught.
MORAL: Don't be greedy