plz ans my question

When going in for that all important job interview- your goal is to sell yourself as the most qualified for the job. Answering the interview questions with knowledgeable and detailed answers is the best strategy to do that. Most job interviews follow a somewhat predictable format of questioning. In general- interview questions are either traditional- which are closely related to the line of work or your specific experiences- or behavior based. Behavioral interview questions are the ones that make many job applicants nervous- with questions such as ‘Talk about a time when communications broke down and the person you were talking with misunderstood you.’
This kind of question could also be framed as ‘Explain how you deal with miscommunication’ or ‘Give an example of a conflict that came from communication issues.’ While questions like this may seem intimidating- it is possible to come up with a great answer that is sure to impress. First- you have to understand the point of behavior-based questions. These are designed to gauge a candidate’s general skills- such as communication- interpersonal and conflict resolution. Next- you must figure out a way to have an answer that demonstrates your suitability for the job ready. In order to do this- you should use the STAR approach in your response and be sufficiently prepared.
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