Geography, asked by stoadvine13, 10 months ago

PLZ ANSWER 50 points

Biological Interactions Activity Instructions
Instructions: Use the steps below to help guide you through the activity. You will submit your letter detailing your plan to control the python population in this ecosystem for grading. You will also post a copy of your letter in the 02.01 Biological Interactions discussion.

In nature, we may find a predator introduced into an ecosystem that is not normally found there. An example of this is the Burmese python. Burmese pythons are originally found in Southeast Asia. They are currently found them in the Everglades National Park Swamp in Florida. The addition of Burmese pythons has upset the balance of the interactions in the Everglade ecosystem. The pythons are consuming prey at an alarming rate and causing increased competition for resources. They are also rapidly reproducing, making it difficult to control their population numbers. Their population is getting so high that the pythons are starting to overflow into neighborhoods surrounding the Everglades National Park area. This is creating an environmental problem that we need to solve.

Read the Python and Impact of Invasive Alien Species articles located on the lesson page to begin your research on the Burmese python invasion in the Everglades National Park ecosystem and how the Burmese pythons are impacting the other organisms that live there.

You may also complete research on your own using newspapers, magazines, or online resources. Be sure to use credible scientific sources.

Data and Analysis
Next, you will analyze the current methods being used to control the Burmese python population and determine which method you believe to be the most effective. You may also create your own method, as long as it is supported by scientific research.

Current Methods for Controlling the Burmese Python Population
Method for Burmese python control Estimated cost to the Everglades National Park per year Predicted effectiveness Impact on other species
Capture and relocate $1,000,000 20 percent decrease Low—few to no other animals harmed
Open a hunting season to destroy pythons $250,000 for rewards and advertising 10 percent decrease Medium—few to no other animals harmed; may pose risk to hunters
Search and destroy nesting sites and eggs $950,000 30 percent decrease Medium—other animals' nesting sites may accidentally be destroyed
Introduce a new predator that feeds on pythons $5,000,000 50 percent decrease High—new predator may eat other animals and/or create additional environmental issues
Using your research and data, you will write a three-paragraph letter to the park ranger detailing your findings.

Be sure to include the following in your letter:

How is the Burmese python impacting the Everglades ecosystem?
Why is it important to control the Burmese python population in Everglades National Park?
Based on your research, what method of controlling the python population do you believe would be most effective? Create a plan based on your chosen method.
Submit your letter for grading.

Post a copy of your your letter in the 02.01 Biological Interactions discussion. If you have difficulty locating the discussion, contact your instructor for assistance.


Answered by msjayasuriya4


Biological Interactions take 2 .docx - Biological...

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Biological Interactions ActivityInstructionsInstructions: Use the steps below to help guide you through the activity. You will submityour letter detailing your plan to control the python population in this ecosystem forgrading. You will also post a copy of your letter in the 02.01 Biological Interactionsdiscussion.IntroductionIn nature, we may find a predator introduced into an ecosystem that is not normallyfound there. An example of this is the Burmese python. Burmese pythons are originallyfound in Southeast Asia. They are currently found them in the Everglades National ParkSwamp in Florida. The addition of Burmese pythons has upset the balance of theinteractions in the Everglade ecosystem. The pythons are consuming prey at analarming rate and causing increased competition for resources. They are also rapidlyreproducing, making it difficult to control their population numbers. Their population isgetting so high that the pythons are starting to overflow into neighborhoods surroundingthe Everglades National Park area. This is creating an environmental problem that we

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Fall '18


Wanda Duchein



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Answered by zzhoneybeezzzz


Dear Park Ranger,

The Burmese pythons are invading the Everglades and I have a plan to help.

These large snakes have very few to no natural predators. The pythons are reproducing at a fast rate, causing competition for living space and food. The increased competition is causing the pythons to end up in neighborhoods surrounding the park. They also have a large appetite. Pythons are causing the local numbers of deer, fox, rabbits, and birds to decrease too fast. This decrease may cause a domino effect on all the living organisms in the Everglades as it disrupts the entire food chain.

It is important to control the Burmese python population to protect the local wildlife, bring balance back to the ecosystem of the Everglades, and prevent them from invading neighborhoods. Gaining control of the python population in this area will give the other animals a chance to repopulate. This will help to bring balance back to the Everglades ecosystem. Decreasing the python population may also help to keep competition down. The lowered competition may prevent the snakes from entering the surrounding neighborhoods.

I support a search and destroy plan for finding and eliminating nesting sites and python eggs. The search and destroy method does have a medium risk level to the environment. We may decrease that risk by educating the search team to tell the difference between python nests and other animal nests. I believe this plan is cost-effective and can bring about up to a 30% decrease in the python population with little to no harm to the other organisms that live there.

Hope this helps!

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