Biology, asked by Sanil55546, 6 months ago

Plz answer
Class 9
thanks my answer ​



Answered by layanasakthi4


i can't understand your question

Answered by snigdhasen723


ok I will

  1. see the pahala pic
  2. Particularly in the central nervous system, neurons have extremely long dendrites with complex branches. This allows them to form synapses with and receive signals from a large number of other neurons, perhaps up to a thousand. Electric disturbances generated in the dendrites or cell body spread to the axon hillock.
  3. Parenchyma is a simple tissue which is composed of thin-walled polyhedral, isodiametric living cells with sufficient cytoplasm and one or more nuclei. These tissues serve the purpose of storage, photosynthesis gaseous exchange and much more but do not provide mechanical support to the plant and hence, lack cell wall thickening or lignin deposition which is a characteristic feature of mechanical tissues. They have cellulosic cell wall without any thickening or lignin deposition. Parenchymatous cells are characterized by the presence of well-developed intercellular spaces, as in the case of aerenchyma.
  4. The epidermis consists of stratified squamous epithelium. That means it consists of layers of flattened cells. Skin, hair and nails are keratinised, meaning they have a dead and hardened impermeable surface made of a protein called keratin. Mucous membranes are non-keratinised and moist.
  5. When the root tips of onion bulb are cut, the cells in the root tip die and hence, growth stops because the tip of the roots contains the meristematic tissue which is responsible for growth. Meristematic tissues are at a constant state of division.

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