Biology, asked by stunningshreya1, 1 year ago

plz answer guys....



Answered by aswinkochuveetil


14..the lh induces ovulation by breaking graffian follicle and making corpus luteum

vas deferen the payh way conncted ftron epididymid to urethra and affrentia is connction betwwen rete testis and epididymis

sprmatogenesis is formation of spermatids from spermatagonia and spermiogenesis is formatioon of spermatozoa from spermatids

menopause is complete stopage of menustrtaion and manarche is the begining of first mensutration

corpus leuteum degenerates if not fertilized and flows out during bleeding

if fertilized then it maintains during  fertilization

figure can be asked as another question


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