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Here are some easy steps you can take to prevent your cybersecurity, both at work and at home:
Set strong passwords, change them regularly and don’t share them with anyone.
Keep your operating system, browser and other critical software optimized by installing updates on your computer, your tablet and your smartphone.
Maintain an open dialogue with your friends, family and colleagues about online safety and security.
Use privacy settings and limit the amount of personal information you post online.
Government's role in cybersecurity will only grow as the global demand and dependency on the internet and internet-connected devices continue to increase. With increasing threats and fewer opportunities to fail, governments must rise to the challenge to protect both national security and economic prosperity.
As the committee is well aware, the frequency and impact of cyber attacks on our nation’s private sector and government networks have increased dramatically in the past decade and are expected to continue to grow. We continue to see an increase in the scale and scope of reporting on malicious cyber activity that can be measured by the amount of corporate data stolen or deleted, personally identifiable information compromised, or remediation costs incurred by U.S. victims. Within the FBI, we are focused on the most dangerous malicious cyber activity: high-level intrusions by state-sponsored hackers and global organized crime syndicates, as well as other technically sophisticated attacks