Biology, asked by mpbharaaa000, 8 months ago




Answered by anju370


1 . a )photon

2 . a ) diffusion

3  oxygen

4 B ) capillaries ,

5 c ) lenticels

6  life process

7  epiglottis cartilage

8  Respiration is the biochemical process in which the cells of an organism obtain energy by combining oxygen and glucose, resulting in the release of carbon dioxide, water, and ATP (the currency of energy in cells).

Types of Respiration

There are two main types of respiration, aerobic and anaerobic we will look at each one of these in detail now.

1. Aerobic Respiration

Aerobic means “with air”. This type of respiration needs oxygen for it to occur so it is called aerobic respiration

The word equation for aerobic respiration is:

Glucose + Oxygen  Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy

The chemical equation is:

C6H12O6 + 6O2       6CO2 + 6H2O + 2900 kJ/mol

2. Anaerobic Respiration

Anaerobic means without air (“an” means without).  Sometimes there is not enough oxygen around for animals and plants to respire, but they still need energy to survive.  Instead they carry out respiration in the absence of oxygen to produce the energy they require this is called anaerobic respiration.

a) In animals

Our muscles need oxygen and glucose to respire aerobically and produce the energy they require, these are carried to the muscle via the blood.

Glucose       Lactic acid + Energy

C6H12O6      2C3H6O3 + 120 kJ/mol

b) In Plants

Glucose       Ethanol + Carbon dioxide + Energy

C6H12O6      2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + Energy

The oxygen supply to plants can also run out, this happens for example if the soil gets waterlogged. In this case they have to obtain their energy via anaerobic respiration.

9 Overall adults have 32 teeth in total, called permanent or secondary teeth, and it includes:

Eight incisors  – Four incisors in the upper jaw and four incisors in the lower jaw.

Four canines –  Two canines in the upper jaw and two canines in the lower jaw.

Eight premolars–  Four premolars in the upper jaw and four premolars in the lower jaw.

Twelve molars- Six molars in the upper jaw and six in the lower jaw. It also includes four wisdom teeth.

10 AIM

To show experimentally that light is necessary for photosynthesis.


A potted plant, black paper strips or Ganongs light screen, clips or cellotape, alcohol, iodine solution, water bath, beaker, burner, water, petri dish, dropper.


Light is one of the requirements for photosynthesis. When a part of the leaf is covered from both upper and lower sides with a black paper strip, light will not reach to covered part. Hence, photosynthesis will not take place in covered part of the leaf. On the other hand, as light will be available to uncovered part of the leaf, cells of this region will carry out photosynthesis actively and hence, glucose will be synthesised in the uncovered part of the leaf. In the leaf a part of this glucose is utilised to carry out various metabolic activities and rest of the amount converts into starch. Presence of starch in the leaf, which can be detected by performing iodine test, indicates occurrence of photosynthesis.


Select a healthy potted plant and destarch the plant by placing it in complete darkness for at least 48 hours.

After 48 hours, using clips or cellotape cover a part of the leaf of the plant from both upper and lower sides with black paper strips.

Now, keep the potted plant in sunlight for at least 3-4 hours.

After 3-4 hours, pluck the leaf and remove black paper strips.

Boil the leaf in water for about 2 minutes.

Now, to decolourise the leaf, transfer the leaf from boiling water to a beaker containing ethanol and boil the leaf in a water bath.

Remove the leaf from beaker and wash it in water at room temperature.

Place this leaf in petri dish and add few drops of iodine solution over the decolourised leaf.

The area of the leaf that was uncovered performed photosynthesis and will have starch, therefore turned blue-black with iodine solution.

The covered portion of the leaf remains yellow as it does not perform photosynthesis.


The uncovered part of the leaf turns blue-black. This confirms the presence of starch.

The covered portion of the leaf remains yellow showing that no starch synthesis occured in this region.


This proves that light is necessary for the photosynthesis.


Use healthy potted plant.

Plant should be destarched by placing in the dark.

The black paper strip should be attached tightly on both sides of leaf so that no sunlight enters in covered portion of leaf.

Always use a water bath for boiling leaf in alcohol as alcohol is inflammable.

Wash the leaf before performing iodine test.

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