plz answer it's urgent

1. Discrimination is the act of making unjustified distinctions between human beings based on the groups, classes, or other categories to which they are perceived to belong. People may be discriminated on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, or sexual orientation, as well as other categories
2.Women's work or woman's work is work believed to be exclusively the domain of women and associates particular stereotypical tasks that history has associated with the female sex. It is particularly used with regard to the unpaid work that a mother or wife will perform within a family and household.Women's work is generally unpaid or paid less than "men's work" and is not as highly valued as "men's work".Much of women's work is not included in official statistics on labour, making much of the work that women typically do virtually invisible.For example, throughout much of the 20th century, the women working on a family farm, no matter how much work they did, would be counted in the US census as being unemployed, whereas the men doing the same or even less work were counted as being employed as farmers.
sorry i only know this much
hope it helped u
i am really sorry