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- Trees gives shelter to millions of birds and animals .
- The rishies in olden days make forests their homes because trees refreshes their eyes and mind .
- Trees began to be cut down for mans use .
- By planting more and more trees , we can replace the loss of forests . Van mahotsava is a festival for planting trees .
- Shanti Niketon or the home of peace was a school started by Rabindranath Tagore .
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1. The trees are important for birds and animals as the branches of the trees give shelter to many birds and animals.
2. In olden times the rishi's make the forest their homes because the trees are having a ways of giving refreshing to the eyes and to the mind.
3. The trees got destroyed to do cutting of trees for growing population.
4. We can replace the loss of forests by afforestation and van mahotsava is programm which encourages in planting of new trees.
.5. Shanti Niketan means home of peace. It was started by Rabindranath Tagore.
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