Plz answer this 31 question

Job interviews are nerve-wracking for any job seeker. Even if you spend hours preparing, you can never be certain you won’t be caught off-guard with a tough interview question — and it can be hard to know in advance whether you are a good fit for the company.
The best way to tackle preparation? Rehearse answering the questions on this list, since they're most likely to be the questions asked.
Common Questions You’ll Get in a Job Interview
1. "Would you like something to drink?"
Ok, this may sound like a silly job interview question and something more in line with common job interview etiquette than the substance of the interview itself, but experts say that when someone does something for you, they are actually slightly more positively inclined towards you.
It’s called the Ben Franklin effect: a person who has performed a favor for someone is more likely to do another favor for that person. So even if you’re not a thirsty job candidate that day, just take the water, for goodness sake!