English, asked by Prashant335, 1 year ago

Plz. Compelete my story .... Vijay and raju were friends.on holiday they went into forest.they were enjoying the beauty of nature.suddenly they saw........... In 200 words


Answered by Greeva123
some tribal people.after seeing them both of them started to run from there.the voice of their footsteps was listened by tribal people. listening to the voice they started following them . And after sometime they caught them.They tied both of them in chains.Tribal people thought them their enemy.Both of them tried to tell him about the reason to come to the forest but language difference stopped them to do so . Now the tribal people decided te kill them.Suddenly their came a man who can understand the language of vijay and raju. Vijay and raju told everything to them .Then the man talked to the tribal people .After listening their story tribals let them go.And they both reached home happily.

Prashant335: Plzzz write more big friends
Greeva123: pls mark it as brainliest
Answered by Anu726
.....they saw a waterfall nearby. they felt really very happy. they were actually tired by walking and raju suggested that let them swim. but vijay was not a as good swimmer as raju. but he accepted the plan. as they entered into water. after a while they saw a large fish coming towards them. vijay tried to catch it as he swimmed forward, the water was becoming more deeper and deeper. suddenly vijay started drowning and started to call raju's name. immediately raju came there and caught him. but unfortunately vijay's hands got slipped but raju managed to catch him again. and at last vijay was saved. raju brought vijay to the land. raju as saved. after a while the same fish was seen again and raju felt as if it was laughing it him.

hope it helps......................
please mark as brainliest...............
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