Biology, asked by Anonymous, 8 months ago

Plz define the following
a) Heredity
b) Evolution
c) fossils
d) genetics
e) speciation
f) monohybrid cross
g) dihybrid cross
i) acquired trait
j) inherited trait


Answered by prabhath222


A.) Heredity:

Heredity, also called inheritance or biological inheritance, is the passing on of traits from parents to their offspring; either through asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction, the offspring cells or organisms acquire the genetic information of their parents.

B.) evolution

biology a gradual change in the characteristics of a population of animals or plants over successive generations: accounts for the origin of existing species from ancestors unlike themSee also natural selection. a gradual development, esp to a more complex formthe evolution of modern art.

C.) Fossils

Fossils are the remains or traces of ancient life that have been preserved by natural processes, from spectacular skeletons to tiny sea shells. Imprints, tracks and trails can also become fossilised, like dinosaur footprints or worm burrows. These are called trace fossils. By studying the remains of life and the traces it left behind we can learn a lot about how animals and plants lived and behaved millions of years ago.

D.) Genetics

genetics. The study of heredity, or how the characteristics of living things are transmitted from one generation to the next. Every living thing contains the genetic material that makes up DNA molecules. This material is passed on when organisms reproduce. The basic unit of heredity is the gene.

E.) speciation

Speciation is the process by which new species form. It occurs when groups in a species become reproductively isolated and diverge.

F.) Monohybrid cross

A monohybrid cross is a genetic mix between two individuals who have homozygous genotypes, or genotypes that have completely dominant or completely recessive alleles, which result in opposite phenotypes for a certain genetic trait.

G.) Dihybrid cross

A dihybrid cross describes a mating experiment between two organisms that are identically hybrid for two traits. A hybrid organism is one that is heterozygous, which means that is carries two different alleles at a particular genetic position, or locus.

I.) Acquired trait

An acquired characteristic is a non-heritable change in a function or structure of a living biotic material caused after birth by disease, injury, accident, deliberate modification, variation, repeated use, disuse, or misuse, or other environmental influences

J.) Inherited trait

An inherited trait is a feature or characteristic of an organism that has been passed on to it in its genes. This transmission of parental traits to their offspring always follows certain principles or laws. The study of how inherited traits are passed on is called genetics.

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