Plz fill simple present tense or present continuous tense.
✔Before the arrival of British, the tribal chiefs enjoyed economic power and had the total control on their territories. The tribal chiefs lost much of their administrative powers.
✔British laws were imposed on them and they lost their traditional forest rights.
✔The company forcefully took large tracks of tribal land because of which the tribals lost their land rights and all the administrative powers.
✔The high revenue demand was very opressive for the tribal people. They had to take loan to repay the loan.
✔It resulted in making the tribal people as forced labour or labour without pay.
✔The tribal people were forced to do settled agriculture instead of shifting cultivation. It was not easy in the region Where water was in scarcity and the soil was dry. It was very opressive for the tribals.
5 is annoying are
6 obeys fights
7 happens