plz.. give me answer the following answer:

5) when the food travel from mouth to stomach inside food pipe bya a movement, that movement is called parastlatic helpful for digestion by transferring food from mouth to stomach and continue the process of digestion.
6)the tissues of the small intestine and transport nutrients from food in the intestines to the rest of the body. ... The ileum is about 3.5m feet long and completes the absorption of nutrients that were missed in the jejunum.
8)When our body fluids contain too much acid, it's known as acidosis. Acidosis occurs when your kidneys and lungs can't keep your body's pH in balance. Many of the body's processes produce acid. different way to avoid this condition is to eat antacids and neutralize the pH of stomach.
9)From the gastric gland present inside the walls of stomach,produces an acid i.e HCl and an enzyme i.e pepsine. HCl create a acidic medium inside stomach to activate pepsine enzyme which react on protein material and convert it into amino acid.
10) while we suffering from jaundice at that time our liver get effected or not able to produce bile juice which convert larger fat globules into smaller one. so, it is advised not to take fats while suffering from jaundice.
11) yes, I diebetes is not caused by acces intake of is caused when pancreas not able to secrete insulin hormone which convert extra glucose into glycogen. and when body needed it glucagon convert same glycogen into glucose.
12)The function of large intestine is to absorb extra water from semi-solid waste and also transmission of use less or waste material from body.The major part of large intestine is Cecum, hepatic flexure, rectum, anus.
7) Inside the walls of small intestine villi is present which helps to absorb all the digested food into body. Villi is made like finger like structure present inside small intestine to absorb food.
hope this answer useful to you
hope this answer useful to you mate