The consequence of buying jalebis with the fees money was that for the first time in his life he was absent from his school.
2 . He did not argue well. He was mostly trying to impress God and make promises. He said that he had memorised the entire namaaz. He even knew the last ten suratsof the Quran by heart. He said that he was a devoted servant of God and needed the fees money. He admitted his mistake. However, in his defence, he also said that he did not eat all the jalebis. He shared them with other children. He promised that he would never eat sweets with fees money again and if he did, then he would deserve a thief's punishment. He said that there was no shortage of anything in God's treasury. Even thechaprasigot a lot of money for his work. He finally said that he was the nephew of a big officer and therefore, God should give him the money as he had asked for only four rupees.
3 . The game was that he would go from where he was standing to the signal. Then, God would secretly place four rupees under a big rock. Meanwhile, he would touch the signal and come back. Then, when he would lift the rock and find the four rupees underneath
4. No, he did not get four rupees by playing the game. When he lifted the rock, he saw a big hairy worm curling, twisting and wriggling towards him.
5. If God had granted his wish that day, he would never have learnt from his mistake. He would have continued doing such wrong deeds, believing that God would save him after his persuasion.
1. The consequence of buying jalebis with the fees money was that for the first time in his life he was absent from his school.
2 . He did not argue well. He was mostly trying to impress God and make promises. He said that he had memorised the entire namaaz. He even knew the last ten suratsof the Quran by heart. He said that he was a devoted servant of God and needed the fees money. He admitted his mistake. However, in his defence, he also said that he did not eat all the jalebis. He shared them with other children. He promised that he would never eat sweets with fees money again and if he did, then he would deserve a thief's punishment. He said that there was no shortage of anything in God's treasury. Even thechaprasigot a lot of money for his work. He finally said that he was the nephew of a big officer and therefore, God should give him the money as he had asked for only four rupees.
3 . The game was that he would go from where he was standing to the signal. Then, God would secretly place four rupees under a big rock. Meanwhile, he would touch the signal and come back. Then, when he would lift the rock and find the four rupees underneath.
4. No, he did not get four rupees by playing the game. When he lifted the rock, he saw a big hairy worm curling, twisting and wriggling towards him.
5. If God had granted his wish that day, he would never have learnt from his mistake. He would have continued doing such wrong deeds, believing that God would save him after his persuasion.