English, asked by canthyishani, 1 year ago

Plz give me essay on "importance of hardwork and planning in success" as soon as posibl!


Answered by Anonymous
Hardwork is the light for Success . How can you gain achievement without hardwork? Until you work hard and follow the principle"practice makes a man perfect" you will not be able to reach your aim! You Should burn your energy to work and sweat and then one day you will gain achievement which will to result of your work! Hardwork is the key for the paved path for achievemwnt.

" but doesnot matters in end , but it matters when you quit . And it is all because you cant work hard "

If you cant cant work hard even in last stage , it will be same if you give up in two minutes . Working hard is universally approved / The leaders and warriors who could seal their names in history where due to hard work . Someone has rightly remarked hardwork is the key to success . This principle is beleived and is accepted . Until you take your step and do hard work you cant get fruitful results nor you can achieve glory. 
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