plz give me the answer quickly.

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Back button is used to visit previous page again.
Home button is used to visit home page of your web browser, in most browsers you can customize the home page of your browser. It can be a webpage or something else.
As name suggests Reload/Refresh is used to refresh the current web page.
Forward is opposite of Back. Suppose you pressed the back button by mistake to visit that page again you have to press Forward button
And these all options can be found near URL bar.
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IPHello dear your answer
The role of
1) Back => It is used to visit previous page.
2) Home=> It is used to visit home page of the web browsers.
3) Refresh=> It is the term that describe the process of renewing the screen contents on a CRT monitor.
4) Forward => It is just opposite to back.
Back key is used to see the previous page but forward key is used to see the new page.
The role of
1) Back => It is used to visit previous page.
2) Home=> It is used to visit home page of the web browsers.
3) Refresh=> It is the term that describe the process of renewing the screen contents on a CRT monitor.
4) Forward => It is just opposite to back.
Back key is used to see the previous page but forward key is used to see the new page.
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