English, asked by CatQueen2004, 1 year ago

plz give the answer for the following​



Answered by Anonymous


  1. A vascular bundle is a part of the transport system in vascular plants. The transport itself happens in vascular tissue, which exists in two forms: xylem and phloem. Both these tissues are present in a vascular bundle, which in addition will include supporting and protective tissues.
  2. Xylem transports only minerals and waters from the roots. Phloem transports food materials that are prepared by the green parts of the plants to other parts of the plant. Xylem is the dead tissues at maturity, but no cell contents. Phloem is the living tissue, but not with the nucleus.
  3. areolar tissue is the connective tissue that helps to repair tissues. AREOLAR CONNECTIVE TISSUE helps to repair tissues.It is present between the skin and muscles. It also fills the spaces between various organs and surrounds the blood vessels.
  4. When we run or move or do some rigorous activity our thigh muscles work the most as we cannot manage almost any work without moving from one place to another. These muscles are used maximum while walking or running. The cells of these muscles have to release huge amount of energy all the time, thus they become tired very easily.
  5. (i) Cells divide repeatedly.
  6. (ii) Cell walls are thin.
  7. (iii) Vacuoles are not found.
  8. (iv) Metabolically very active.
  9. (v) They have dense cytoplasm.
  10. (vi) They have prominent nucleus
  11. -: The xylem tissue transports water and minerals from the roots to the leaves whereas the phloem tissue transports food from the leaves to the other parts of the plant. Xylem tissue has tracheids and vessel elements. Phloem tissue has companion cells and sieve tubes.
  • The xylem parenchyma is responsible for storing the prepared food and assists in the conduction of water. Xylem fibres are supportive in function. Phloem- It consists of four of elements: sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem fibres and the phloem parenchyma.
  • It serves most of damaging air bubbles and stores various substances. It is vascular tissue that specialized as water-conducting cells and known as tracheary elements. These are the elements of xylem elements offers mechanical support Tracheids and vessels, Xylem parenchyma, and Xylem fibers.

7. Cartilage and Bone are specialised forms of connective tissue. They are both made up of cells embedded in an extracellular matrix. ... Cartilage is thin, avascular, flexible and resistant to compressive forces. Bone is highly vascularised, and its calcified matrix makes it very strong.

8. Muscles are special fibres in the body that contract and relax to cause movements. Movement is caused by the contraction and relaxation of muscles. When one muscle contracts, the other relaxes and this causes displacement. The muscles of our heart are called involuntary muscles as they don't work according to our will.

9. a) The root hair helps to increase surface area for absorption of water and dissolved ions from the soil.

b) In desert plants, thick waxy coating is found so as to protect the plant from the loss of water.

c) The small pores help in exchange of gases and transpiration.

d) Cactus has numerous layers so as to reduce the temperature of the stem and provide support.

e) Suberin helps to make the plant impervious to gases and water.

10. There are four types of tissues found in animals: epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue.

11.Mention their specific roles in plant. Parenchyma is called a permanent tissue because it does not have the ability to divide. The two special types of tissues are chlorenchyma and aerenchyma.

12. Plasma membrane is semi permeable and it is not impervious to water. Lignin is a complex polymer which acts as a cement and hardens the cell wall. ... The walls of cork cells are heavily thickened with an organic substance, suberin, Suberin makes these cells impervious to water and gases.

13. Meristematic tissues have capacity to divide qhere permanent tissue do not have. Meristematic tissue have thin cellulose wall whereas permanent tissue has thick cellulose wall. ... Meristematic tissues have many small vacuoles in their cytoplasm whereas permanent tissue contain only single large vacuole in their cytoplasm.

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