plz give the place where the word is ommited and the word also
According to estimates of National
a) According to the estimates of National
Ganga Authority only 1000 liter sewerage is
b) Ganga Authority only 1000 liter of sewerage is
treated daily against 3000 liters goes into
c) treated daily against 3000 liters that goes into
the main Ganga river. Moreover the 12,000
d) the main Ganga river. Moreover, the 12,000
million liters of sewerage that goes the
e) million of liters of sewerage that goes the
Ganga basin, 4000 million liters treated.
f) Ganga basin, 4000 million liters are treated.
Number settlements and industries
g) Number of settlements and industries
located along river, pollute it.
h) located along the river, pollute it.
d) use the coma punctuation mark.
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