plz give the summary of this poem
the poem is basically saying that the day spent helping people can be considered a really good day.Even if u do one something to help someone in a tiny way,the day has not been lost because of the joy u brought to another person
Count That Day Lost’ by George Eliot describes what one must do to count their days well spent.
Count That Day Lost’ by George Eliot describes what one must do to count their days well spent.Eliot introduces this piece with a call to action, encouraging the reader to take the time to break down their days into pieces and carefully consider whether they did something to help someone else. If the reader has helped another, even with a smile or small action, then that day can be considered well spent.
Count That Day Lost’ by George Eliot describes what one must do to count their days well spent.Eliot introduces this piece with a call to action, encouraging the reader to take the time to break down their days into pieces and carefully consider whether they did something to help someone else. If the reader has helped another, even with a smile or small action, then that day can be considered well spent.The second stanza considers the other option in which one has ignored all of the changes they’ve had to help someone else and only considered their own wellbeing throughout the day. This person, even though it would have cost them nothing, refused to give an inch to someone else. If this is the case, then not only is this day lost, it is worse than lost. The impact of this kind of person has not been neutral, but actually negative. They have, through their lack of empathy, made the world a worse place than it was the day before.
Count That Day Lost’ by George Eliot describes what one must do to count their days well spent.Eliot introduces this piece with a call to action, encouraging the reader to take the time to break down their days into pieces and carefully consider whether they did something to help someone else. If the reader has helped another, even with a smile or small action, then that day can be considered well spent.The second stanza considers the other option in which one has ignored all of the changes they’ve had to help someone else and only considered their own wellbeing throughout the day. This person, even though it would have cost them nothing, refused to give an inch to someone else. If this is the case, then not only is this day lost, it is worse than lost. The impact of this kind of person has not been neutral, but actually negative. They have, through their lack of empathy, made the world a worse place than it was the day before.Eliot composed this piece as a simple way to encourage others to consider the times in which one has an opportunity to help and does nothing when even the smallest gesture would have been beneficial to someone in need