English, asked by bhullargagan045, 7 months ago

plz help me to write aa article ​



Answered by Bhismasingh



Answered by shreyamsrinivasan


Advertising can have a negative influence over young minds if parents are not really careful and do not teach their children about the importance of money. In many cases, children tend to misinterpret the messages conveyed through the advertisement. They end up having wrong notions about many issues. Advertising influences the minds of children, which create a need to own that particular product being, advertised (Lad). Glossy images on the magazines or billboards or flashy advertisements on television only create the urge for impulsive buying. Parents who cannot deal with the rising demands or temper tantrums only tend to give in to the demands of their children. Children then get used to a certain kind of lifestyle, which is shown on the television or through various media (Lad). This only creates a very wrong impression on their young minds making them lose the ability to live a life without relying on brand-labeled joys. The power of advertising thus, cannot be ignored. A child may prefer only a specific pair of branded jeans as compared to other clothing available in stores. He/she may want to live the life that is projected in the advertisements. The child may dictate to his/her parents about personal preferences in clothing, food, toys, etc.:

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