plz how to draw this anime

Anime eyes are almost always drawn bigger and wider than real eyes. This is especially so for female characters who often have larger and wider eyes than male
1.Start the drawing with the outer shape of the eye. In this case the eyelids/eyelashes.
2.Draw the iris vertically stretched (compared to a real eye). Basically an oval with the top and bottom hidden by the eyelids.
3.Inside the iris draw the pupil tracing the shape of the iris but smaller.
4.Make a line towards the upper half of the eye that will indicate the darker area partially created by the shadow and the eyelashes reflecting in the eyes.
You can erase the line overlapping the pupil in the next step. The reason for drawing it all the way though like that is to make sure that both sides match up and that you have a nice and smooth curve.
After this you can shade the eyes and add colors . For highlights, You can use white . And as you can see in the picture a lighter brown is suggested . If you want more info you can see this video