English, asked by parisbabu79, 5 months ago

plz say me any ten new words amd frame sentences with them​


Answered by aaliyakhan53


abjure: Read

renounce; abandon

renounce upon oath; abandon forever

He will abjure his allegiance to the king.

abrogate: Read


abolish, do away with, or annul, especially by authority

He intended to abrogate the decree issued by his predecessor.

acumen: Read

acuteness; insight

mental keenness; quickness of perception

However, her team's political acumen is clearly beyond mine, an Ivy League Medical Science Professor and NOT a Political "Science" Professor.

adumbrate: Read

overshadow; shade

give hint or indication of something; disclose partially or guardedly; overshadow; shade

Her constant complaining about the job would adumbrate her intent to leave.

alacrity: Read

cheerful promptness or willingness; eagerness; speed or quickness

Phil and Dave were raring to get off to the mountains; they packed up their ski gear and climbed into the van with alacrity.

anathema: Read

solemn curse; someone or something regarded as a curse

To the Ayatolla, America and the West were anathema; he loathed the democratic nations, cursing them in his dying words.

antipathy: Read

aversion; dislike

strong feeling of aversion; dislike

Tom's extreme antipathy for disputes keeps him from getting into arguments with his temperamental wife.

approbation: Read


expression of warm approval; praise

She looked for some sign of approbation from her parents, hoping her good grades would please them.

arrogate: Read

claim without justification; claim for oneself without right

Lynn watch in astonishments as her coworkers arrogate the credit for her brilliant work in the project.

ascetic: Read

austere; severe

leading a life of self-discipline and self-denial; austere

The wealthy, self-indulgent young man felt oddly drawn to the strict, ascetic life led by members of some monastic orders.


hope it helps you

follow me take care

Answered by piyushsaini724

I also agree with the above answers

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