plz solve english work

a) friend
1. Interrogative - What is the name of your friend?
2. Imperative- Will you give a pen to my friend.
3. Declarative - My friend name is Reshu.
4. Exclamatory - Hello! My friend.
1. Interrogative- Do you love this dress?
2. Imperative - Don't wear this dress.
3. Declarative - I don't love this dress.
4. Exclamatory - Wow! How beautiful dress it is !
c) doctor
1. Interrogative- Do you need any recommendation from doctor?
2. Imperative - Please take the recommendation from doctor.
3. Declarative- My father is a doctor.
4. Exclamatory - Thank you! I said to the doctor.
1. Interrogative- Would you please pass me that hat?
2. Imperative- Please give the cup of coffee.
3. Declarative - I'm going to the market please feed the pet.
4. Exclamatory - Oops! I forgot to give the medicines to my granny . Would you please give to her?