plz solve it fast ly it's urgent

there was once a a frial old man who had no wife and went to live with his son daughter-in-law and 4 year old grandson Ankit. The old man's hands tremble and his eyesight was blurred. his steps were flattered. He had difficulty in eating , his hands shaked and even broke few bowls while eating and sometimes even spilled milk on the floor. son and daughter-in-law were irritated. they decided to give him food in wooden bowl and even set a small table for him in the corner. he was forced to eat on that table while the rest of the family enjoyed the dinner. The innocent 4 year old Ankit watched this in silence. One day the father found Ankit playing with wood. he asked him sweetly what is he doing to which Ankit replied that he is making a wooden bowl for him to eat when he grows up. The son and the daughter in law realised their mistake and learnt that we reap what we sow.
[Please mark me as brainliest]
what do mean by limits ..
R u think of bf love etc . clear it.