English, asked by rihalvaruni, 4 months ago

plz summary of this poem
My computer ale my homework
Yes, it's troublesome, but true.
Similar experience
Though it didn't gnaw or nibble
and it didn't chomp or chew,
it digested it completely.
It consumed my homework whole,
when I pressed the Shift and Enter keys
instead of Shift-Control
hours of typing
It devoured
every picture, chart and graph,
and it left me most unsettled
when I thought I heard it laugh.
I would guess it was a virus,
or it could have been a worm,
that deleted every bit
but didn't prompt me to confirm.
1 suppose I might have pressed Escape
instead of pressing Save,
but, regardless, my computer
now will never misbehave.
For I found a good solution
and I smiled to hear the crash,
when I chucked it out the window
and it landed in the trash...
-Kenn Nesbitt​


Answered by mdahassan883



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