Plz tell fast. Its urgent.
1. Raja Rammohan roy
2. and 3. maybe i try to find answer......
a. the person is raja ram Mohan Roy
In August 1828 Roy formed the Brahmo Samaj (Society of Brahma), a Hindu reformist sect
Brahmo Samajists have no faith in any scripture as an authority.
Brahmo Samajists have no faith in Avatars. Brahmo Samajists denounce polytheism and idol-worship.
Brahmo Samajists are against caste restrictions
b. Raja Ram Mohan Roy was an Indian Raja who played an important role in the nationalist movement of India. He worked on the social, political and economic development of the Indians.
His efforts included;
(i) Introduction of Indians to the western culture.
(ii) Introduction of modernization to Indians.
(iii) Exclusion of orthodox Hindu traditions from the society like casteism, sectarianism etc.
(iv) Introduction of scientific knowledge in order to keep the society away from superstitious beliefs.
(v) Advocacy for equal civil and economic rights for the Indians from the British.
a) The socio-religious reform movements of the 19th century were great pioneers of Indian nationalism. The impact of western education, which led to a rational, humanitarian and scientific approach to life, made the educated Indians realise the need to reform their religion and society. These movements touched almost every segment of Indian society. In the social sphere these movements worked for the abolition of caste system, child marriage, dowry system, purdah system, sati and infanticide. In the religious sphere, these reform movements combated religious superstitions, attacked idolatry, polytheism and hereditary priesthood. These movements fought for individual liberty and social equality.
Prominent reform movements were Brahmo Samaj (founded by Raja Rammohan Roy), Arya Samaj (founded by Swami Dayanand Saraswati), Ramakrishna Mission (founded by Swami Vivekanand) and Satya Shodhak Samaj
please select my answer as the brainliest have a great day ahead
have high hopes of the same