CBSE BOARD X, asked by sunil98715, 1 year ago

plz tell how many marks of diagram and formula also​



Answered by Anonymous

formula 2 mark digram 3mark

yasminrehmani: only sometimes he get roman
yasminrehmani: tic.
Anonymous: so he dont have your photo that youare telling right
Anonymous: tellllllllllllllll
Anonymous: telllllllllllllllllllllllll
Anonymous: offline?
Anonymous: scared and went hmmm
yasminrehmani: yes he don't have my photo.
Arbaz98: hey yasmin , you don't trust me.
Arbaz98: are u telling me to blackmail me?
Answered by manmeetbwn23p7jl01
5 marks only of this question

sunil98715: can you tell me its answer
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