English, asked by Praveen12347, 1 year ago

plz tell me essay about stigma related to mental illness​


Answered by Anonymous


here is ur answer


Stigma occurs when society labels someone as tainted or less desirable. Stigma involves three elements; a lack of knowledge (ignorance), negative attitudes (prejudice) and people behaving in ways that disadvantage the stigmatised person (discrimination) (1). Several health conditions are associated with stigma including some cancers, HIV, AIDS and skin conditions such as psoriasis. However the stigma related to mental health problems is particularly severe and widespread. This article discusses mental health stigma, its consequences and what can be done to reduce it.

Stigma and its consequences

Two main types of stigma occur with mental health problems, social stigma and self-stigma. Social stigma, also called public stigma, refers to negative stereotypes of those with a mental health problem. These stereotypes come to define the person, mark them out as different and prevent them being seen as an individual. Social stigma is associated with discrimination. For example a person with a mental health problem may find that others, including friends and colleagues, avoid them. They may also find it harder to gain housing, obtain employment and access healthcare and may find that their account is less likely to be believed by the police if they report a crime. A 2011 survey found that almost nine out of ten mental health service users in England had experienced discrimination (2). The consequences of discrimination, for example unemployment and social isolation, can stigmatise a person further. Self-stigma occurs when a person internalises negative stereotypes. This can cause low self-esteem, shame and hopelessness. Both types of stigma can lead a person to avoid seeking help for their mental health problem due to embarrassment or fear of being shunned or rejected. When this happens the underlying problem can go untreated causing unnecessary suffering. A delay in receiving treatment can worsen the outlook of some conditions as can the stress and anxiety caused by experiencing stigma. Family members can become stigmatised by a relative having a mental health problem, so called courtesy stigma.

It has been argued that certain diagnostic labels cause stigma. Although it is true that certain diagnoses, for example schizophrenia, carry more negative connotations than other diagnoses, for example depression, stigma cannot be attributed to diagnosis alone. Stigma and discrimination have been associated with mental health problems throughout history, across cultures

hope it help u

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