plz tell me how to get answer key
wrong answer will be reported
right will be marked as brainliest , i will follow the person and will like his 90 answers
Login to the onscreen evaluation system.
Step 2:
You can see Answer sheets assigned to you as per the below screen.
Step 3:
You can click on the Check Answer sheet.
Answer sheet evaluation student data masking
Step 4 :
You can mark blank pages of the answer sheet in bulk. So that you need not have to verify blank pages of the answer sheet. Consider a scenario where answer sheet is of 16 pages and the student has written response on only 5 pages then you can mark blank pages in bulk to save you evaluation time
Blank page identification during onscreen evaluation process
Step 5:
You can see an actual copy of the answer sheet with details like Roll No, Name masked.
Onscreen evaluation Process
Correct Sign: You can use this sign to mark a particular answer as correct. It would add below symbol on the answer sheet.
Correct Sign for Onscreen Evaluation of Answersheet
Incorrect Sign You can use this sign to mark a particular answer as incorrect. It would add below symbol on the answer sheet.
Mark answer as wrong for Onscreen Evaluation of Answersheet
Assign Marks for Answer There are icons available for each number of marks. You can use it to define marks for a particular answer. On a single page, you can add partial marks and on the next pages, subsequent partial marks can be added. The system would auto calculate the total marks assigned for the answer.
Assigning marks for Onscreen Evaluation
Undo Operation If you wish to undo particular activity then you can click on the icon to cancel the previously performed tasks.
Add Comments There is an icon button available to add comments on any answer sheet page. You can click on it and define the font to add comments.
Add Comments during digital evaluation of answer sheets
Summary of Marks On the right-hand top corner you can see marks allotted for each question. The system would automatically display the scores for each answer against question number as shown.
onscreen evaluation score calculation
You can also view Question paper details. There is a link “View Question“. On clicking this button you can see Question contents. It can be helpful for you to see question contents before evaluating any answer.
As you can see after adding the annotations answer sheet would look like the above screen. On the right-hand bottom corner, you can see total marks for the answer sheet would be shown. The system would auto-calculate those marks based on examination pattern, optional questions, etc.
In the end, the system would enable the Finish Answer sheet checking button. It would be enabled only if the examiner has navigated all the pages of the answer sheet. This ensures that a complete answer sheet has been evaluated.
The system also captures the time taken by the evaluator in order to evaluate a particular answer script. It can provide useful insights into the evaluation process and time activity of the examiner.
Digital Correction of Exam Papers become easy with onscreen marking. It also saves time for examiners to evaluate the answer sheet.
Steps of Digital evaluation of marksheet