plz tell the answer of the above questions
1. electron microscope has a much higher range of magnification than that of light microscope and they also have a much higher resolution.
2. refer to the attachment first
3. nucleus is large in size and is bound by nuclear envelop where as nucleolus is small in size and has no limiting membrane
4. structure of ribosome is given in attachment second
function of ribosome : protein synthesis is the major function of ribosomes that is why it is also known as protein factories of cell
5. yes cell size and functions are related to each other as the shape and size of a cell help to determine its functions for example the size of nerve cell is long and it is thin to relay electrical messages all over the body.
6. epithelial tissue is a protective and the simplest tissue. It is made up of flat, thin cells which are very tightly packed with each other by means of cement substance ie protein (diagram of epithelial tissue is given in attachment 3, 4 and 5)
7. xylem is responsible for transportation and absorption of water and minerals it is different from phloem as phloem is responsible for conduction and translocation of food and harmones.
8. all organisms are made up of cells it is the basic unit of all organisms that is why cell theory is regarded as the most important and fundamental knowledge in biology.