Plz tell the correct ans and han dont spam

ok..... here's the answer
1. Gram Sabha comprises of all adult members of a particular village.
2. The members of the gram panchayat are elected directly by the villagers or people of that village.
3. The panchayat is chaired by the president of the village, known as a Sarpanch. The term of the elected representatives is five years. The Secretary of the panchayat is a non-elected representative, appointed by the state government, to oversee panchayat activities.
4. Main functions of the Gram Panchayat are:
i) Maintenance and construction of water resources, roads, drainage, School buildings and CPR (common property resources).
ii) Levy and collect local taxes.
iii) Execute government schemes related to employment.
5. Nyaya Panchayat is a part of the Panchayat system which is formed to settle disputes among the villagers. It various functions are: It strives to solve petty criminal and civil cases, wherein the parties in dispute explain their sides to the members of the Panchayat.
6. The Zila Panchayat or District Council or Zila Parishad or District Panchayat , is the third tier of the Panchayati Raj system. Zila Parishad is an elected body. Block Pramukh of Block Panchayat are also represented in Zila Parishad.