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Yes because evolution means gradual development in living organisms that take a very huge span of time which is nothing but the progress of the organisms For eg the growth of body hairs or the growth of a human brain which is the mankind's progress towards the nature
There is no real progress in the idea of evolution. Evolution is simply the generation of diversity and the shaping of the diversity by environment selection. The only progressive trend in evolution seems to be that more and more complex body designs have emerged over time.
For E.g:- Human beings are not the pinnacle of evolution. They are just one species of evolutionary life. It is not true that human beings have evolved from chimpanzees. Both humans and chimpanzees have a common ancestor a long time ago. That common ancestor is likely to have being neither human nor chimpanzees. The first steps of separation in unlikely to have resulted in modern chimpanzees and human beings instead the second resultant species have probably evolved in their own separate ways to give rise to the current forms.