plzz ans my question

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electronic configuration of beryllium is =2,2
while that of oxygen is 2,6
so their valency is +2 and -2
while that of oxygen is 2,6
so their valency is +2 and -2
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■ OF Be :
Since it is 4 ,
it is
As u know the way of filling electrons in the shell...
the rule is 2, 8 , 16 , 32, ........
●it means that in first shell, only two electrons can be filled, in second shell 8 electrons can be filled and so on....
●so for beryllium since it has total four electrons .
in first shell we can fill two electrons na, and the remaining two electrons will be filled in next shell..
so it 2,2
■ OF O :
•Since it is 8,
it is
●same as in beryllium. since oxygen has eight electrons, according to that rule, first two electrons are filled in first shell , and remaining electrons, 6 electrons are filled in next shell.. so it is 2,6
● Valency of Be = 2
•because valency is always equal to number of valence electrons . so valence electrons in Be is 2 .that's why valency is 2
or u can say ... that....if it loses two electrons it becomes stable it is 2 ...
● valency of O = 2
•here oxygen needs two more electrons to complete its octet . so its valency is 2.
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