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Lemuel Gulliver was an educated sea faring man who wrote his memoirs of four voyages to remote countries of the world with the intention of contributing to human knowledge.
➡ In book 1, which describes his first voyage to Liliput, Gulliver is ship wre cked on an unknown island near S uma tra and wakes to find himself the captive of a race of people six inch es tall. They are afraid when he moves his head and when he shouts, and attack him with arrows and spears, but stop when he is quiet. Gulliver makes a sign that he is hungry and thirsty, and hundreds of men feed him with buckets of m eat and water. The emperor of Lilliput is impressed by Gulliver's good behavior. Gulliver meets the people of B le fus cu, the rivals of Lilliput, and after a series of adventures, returns home.
➡ In book 2, Gulliver is accidentally ab an doned by his shipmates in a place where the inh abitants are twelve times his size. They keep him as a pet and regard him as a fr eak of nature. The scale used in book 1 is reversed. The Lil lip utians had been ho stile to Gulliver on his arrival, but here he is treated with kindness by the giants.
➡ In book 3, Gulliver is captured by pirates and left to his fa te near some small islands. He is taken aboard the flying island of La put a, inha bited by people who are obse ssed by abstract sciences, and who ty ran ni ze the land of Ba lni ba rbi. From Ba lnib arbi, Gulliver makes a trip to Gl ub dru b d rib, the island if sorc erers. He then goes to L uggn a gg, where he meets the race of Strul dbu rgs, who are fat ed to everlasti ng se ni lity.
➡ In book 4, he is the captain of a ship and becomes the victim of a mut iny. He is aband oned on a shore and meets a race of horses, the Hou yhn hnms. He also meets the Ya hoos, and despite their human shape, finds them the most disagr eeable creatures that he has ever met. By contrast, the H ou yhn hnms appear to be perfect creatures and Gul liver comes to love their way of life. They are dignified and philosophical, and quite unlike the abs urd and spit eful Lilliputians, the gr ote sque Br ob di gna gia ns, and the intellectual frea ks of book 3. But the H ou yh nhn ms regard Gulliver as a kind of Ya hoo, a view which he is forced to agree. Exi led from their land, Gulliver is forced to return to England, where he divides his time between talking to his horses and attempting to reform the people in his kingdom.
➡ In book 1, which describes his first voyage to Liliput, Gulliver is ship wre cked on an unknown island near S uma tra and wakes to find himself the captive of a race of people six inch es tall. They are afraid when he moves his head and when he shouts, and attack him with arrows and spears, but stop when he is quiet. Gulliver makes a sign that he is hungry and thirsty, and hundreds of men feed him with buckets of m eat and water. The emperor of Lilliput is impressed by Gulliver's good behavior. Gulliver meets the people of B le fus cu, the rivals of Lilliput, and after a series of adventures, returns home.
➡ In book 2, Gulliver is accidentally ab an doned by his shipmates in a place where the inh abitants are twelve times his size. They keep him as a pet and regard him as a fr eak of nature. The scale used in book 1 is reversed. The Lil lip utians had been ho stile to Gulliver on his arrival, but here he is treated with kindness by the giants.
➡ In book 3, Gulliver is captured by pirates and left to his fa te near some small islands. He is taken aboard the flying island of La put a, inha bited by people who are obse ssed by abstract sciences, and who ty ran ni ze the land of Ba lni ba rbi. From Ba lnib arbi, Gulliver makes a trip to Gl ub dru b d rib, the island if sorc erers. He then goes to L uggn a gg, where he meets the race of Strul dbu rgs, who are fat ed to everlasti ng se ni lity.
➡ In book 4, he is the captain of a ship and becomes the victim of a mut iny. He is aband oned on a shore and meets a race of horses, the Hou yhn hnms. He also meets the Ya hoos, and despite their human shape, finds them the most disagr eeable creatures that he has ever met. By contrast, the H ou yhn hnms appear to be perfect creatures and Gul liver comes to love their way of life. They are dignified and philosophical, and quite unlike the abs urd and spit eful Lilliputians, the gr ote sque Br ob di gna gia ns, and the intellectual frea ks of book 3. But the H ou yh nhn ms regard Gulliver as a kind of Ya hoo, a view which he is forced to agree. Exi led from their land, Gulliver is forced to return to England, where he divides his time between talking to his horses and attempting to reform the people in his kingdom.
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Yeah...... I've seen that movie.... the first book of Gulliver travels...... u should find the answer on Google... there you will get better results.
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