plzz... guys tell this fast!
Here is your answer:
One night I was reading a novel late night about by 11 pm under the light of lamp. And rest of the family members were sleeping at that time. Suddenly, I heard the noise of opening of the window of the room on 1st floor which has stairs running direct down to the lobby of the house. Then I listened the footsteps of a person. I thought he might me my father. But I was wrong actually thief was entering through window when I saw him from back. First of all, this was the moment to prove myself as a brave woman. So I followed him quietly with bare foots and picked a iron from my room. Quickly, I was hit the iron on his back as my height was not good at that moment. This created the noise and my whole family members waked up. Thief somehow managed to escaped from my whip. And my father searched whole house so that if he was hide in our home, we could caught him and beat him.