poem about crime that rhymes
Tell me my answer is right
Since rhyming and rhythm are terribly boring
They must now be barred from all musical scoring;
Those poets employing these rhythms and rhymes
Should pay with their lives for committing such crimes!
Some nut must have thought that by using good meter
A poem with tempo would sound so much sweeter;
With stresses or accents to make the verse flow,
It's just a fine way to put on a good show!
The best of all verses, as anyone knows,
Are big healthy portions of random-thought prose;
Without rhyme or rhythm to get in ones head
It's easy to know what the poet has said!
Let no one accuse me of tactics archaic,
I will not use dactyls or meters trochaic,
My poetry will not include anapests
Nor metrical footage that needs scansion tests!
Who cares about Blank Verse, Heroic or Free?
No iambic stanzas from me will you see!
Just give me some time and, perhaps, inspiration
And I will become a poetic sensation!
by Bridgid Patrick