English, asked by ayushmankhajuria27, 8 months ago

poem on fitness beat covid


Answered by anushka0304


We can’t go to malls,

Nor can we go to waterfalls,

Because this virus is a-scaring,

Sending our spines into a shivering.

If you have to go out, think twice,

Wear your mask, be wise.

After coming home, sanitise,

And wash your hands thrice.

COVID-19 is the name,

It is playing a hide-and-seek game.

By following the rules, we can ensure endgame.

if this answer is helpful for you then plz mark this answer as a brainliest answer

Answered by Anonymous


Working hard a bit these days,

People are surviving

And hoping for better rays.

Started eating healthy,

Without any junk..

Feels like I am wealthy.

Hoping for a better dawn someday,

When my and my friends could hug each other,

And roar louder on the sea bay.

This pandemic taught us to be hygienic..

With fatal deaths..

I showed us the view of the drowning titanic.

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