English, asked by daivyaluther, 1 year ago

poem on unique features of india's freedom movement in english


Answered by upenderjoshi28
Trammeled in the heavy shackles of shameful slavery,
Many a son of our country fought and died with bravery;
The freedom movement like a conflagration burnt bright,
With the fuel of sacrifices offered into it day and night;
The flame grew stronger and fiercer in might,
And finally it fatally did the Britishers smite,
Who fled scorched, burnt and terribly seared;
The slavery trammels broke asunder,
Thee freedom bugle blew with thunder.
Different sons fought differently in their own style,
Gandhi fought with non violence; Bose was hostile.


kvnmurty: see also: http://brainly.in/question/646581 for a good poem..
upenderjoshi28: The poem at the link given is good too.
upenderjoshi28: Hi Sir
upenderjoshi28: Good evening
upenderjoshi28: I have an issue; kindly resolve it. Someone has reported my article as incorrect. There is nothing wrong in it except one or two typos. The content, expression, accuracy are all as per the set standards. Following is the link to the article in question: http://brainly.in/question/581133
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