poem on unique features of india's freedom movement in english
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Trammeled in the heavy shackles of shameful slavery,
Many a son of our country fought and died with bravery;
The freedom movement like a conflagration burnt bright,
With the fuel of sacrifices offered into it day and night;
The flame grew stronger and fiercer in might,
And finally it fatally did the Britishers smite,
Who fled scorched, burnt and terribly seared;
The slavery trammels broke asunder,
Thee freedom bugle blew with thunder.
Different sons fought differently in their own style,
Gandhi fought with non violence; Bose was hostile.
Many a son of our country fought and died with bravery;
The freedom movement like a conflagration burnt bright,
With the fuel of sacrifices offered into it day and night;
The flame grew stronger and fiercer in might,
And finally it fatally did the Britishers smite,
Who fled scorched, burnt and terribly seared;
The slavery trammels broke asunder,
Thee freedom bugle blew with thunder.
Different sons fought differently in their own style,
Gandhi fought with non violence; Bose was hostile.
see also: http://brainly.in/question/646581 for a good poem..
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