Physics, asked by MysticaRoss, 6 months ago

Pof unit2&3
Open with
14. A child is standing in front of a straight
plane mirror. His father is standing
behind him, as shown in the figure.
The height of the father is double the
height of the child. What is the
minimum length of the mirror required
so that the child can completely see
his own image and his father's image
in the mirror ? Given that the height
of father is 2H.


Answered by Anonymous





</p><p></p><p>&lt;svg class= "heart" viewBox= "-2 -2 98.6 90.81"&gt;</p><p></p><p>  &lt;title&gt;Corazon&lt;/title&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;text x=8 y=22 dx= "0 0 0 0 0 0 0"  dy= "2 -8 -2  -1 1 2 4 "style= "font: bold .7em arial; fill: red;"&gt; shivam</p><p></p><p>   &lt;tspan x=60 y=22 style= "font: bold .7em arial; fill: blue;"&gt;pata nahi.♡&lt;/tspan&gt;</p><p></p><p>   &lt;tspan x= 10 dy= 15 style= "font: bold .6em arial; fill: navy;"&gt; &lt;/tspan&gt;</p><p></p><p>   &lt;tspan x= 25 dy= 10 style= "font: bold .6em arial; fill: navy;"&gt;follow me&lt;/tspan&gt;</p><p></p><p>   &lt;tspan x= 35 dy= 10 style= "font: bold .6em arial; fill: navy;"&gt;&lt;/tspan&gt;</p><p></p><p>   &lt;tspan x= 37 dy= 10 style= "font: bold .5em arial; fill: red;"&gt;...&lt;/tspan&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;animate attributeType="XML" attributeName="visibility" from="visible" to="hidden" dur="9.2s" begin="0s" /&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;/text&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;path stroke= "firebrick" stroke-width= "3" d= "M86.81,8.15a27.79,27.79,0,0,1,0,39.33L47.48,86.81,8.15,47.48A27.81,27.81,0,0,1,47.48,8.15,27.79,27.79,0,0,1,86.81,8.15Z"/&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;/svg&gt;</p><p></p><p>&lt;style&gt;</p><p></p><p>body {</p><p></p><p>display: grid;</p><p></p><p>min-height: 100vh;</p><p></p><p>justify-content: center;</p><p></p><p>align-content: center;</p><p></p><p>background: repeating-linear-gradient(circle, white, green, red);</p><p></p><p>background: repeating-radial-gradient(circle, white, yellow, red);</p><p></p><p>}</p><p></p><p>.heart {</p><p></p><p>width: 250px;</p><p></p><p>animation: heart-beat .5s 4.85s infinite ease-in-out alternate;</p><p></p><p>}</p><p></p><p>@keyframes heart-beat {</p><p></p><p>  to{</p><p></p><p>   transform: scale(1.05);</p><p></p><p>  }</p><p></p><p>}</p><p></p><p>path {</p><p></p><p>fill: none;</p><p></p><p>stroke-dasharray: 286;</p><p></p><p>stroke-dashoffset: 286;</p><p></p><p>animation: heart-path 5s forwards;</p><p></p><p>.ocultarText: color:transparent ;</p><p></p><p>}</p><p></p><p>@keyframes heart-path {</p><p></p><p>99% {</p><p></p><p>   stroke-dashoffset: 0;</p><p></p><p>   fill: none;</p><p></p><p>}</p><p></p><p>100% {</p><p></p><p>   fill: firebrick;</p><p></p><p>}}</p><p></p><p>&lt;/style&gt;</p><p></p><p>



Answered by ravindras931

hope it will help u

mark me as brainlist

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