POINTS 50 Pls write a speech on the topic WORLD AROUND US by including all the required points....please
⇒introduction about our world our surrounding and environment
⇒start with a major topic like the advancement of technology in the 21st century
⇒write down some points on science vs religion
⇒pen down all the crimes going around the world
⇒write the advantages of the rapid growth of lifestyle and disadvantages too
⇒include your own personal feelings
⇒write the poiltical status of the world and India
The world around me The world that surrounds us it’s a complex combination of an enormous number of elements,features, from the air that is filled with the soft sounds of flapping wings and raucous calls of the crows to the unbearable noise of the destruction produced by human. It is the moststrenuous matter to exchange views on because it is exposed differently to each person, everyhuman has their own perspective for what the world actually is; it is exceedingly evident it’s a place, a location but it’s more than that.My world is a baffled mystery, a wonderland full of wonder. The nuclear of my world arehumans or I shall rather say people. A dull world without colours, it’s impractical, futilefundamentally hopeless and useless. eople are the fundamental start !od left us, we colour the world, we give it meaning, purpose, we ma"e it life worthy. #verything starts with us andnature, the rest can be easily created by our elevated intellectual, easily adapted to our systemhence why I consider that the world is humans and the #arth, not the features around us, notthe modern technology, not the governmental laws but us. $ne of the gifts of high sensitivity is our ability to be acutely aware of people’s feelings andto respond to those feelings with empathy and compassion. %ou have a four&fold life to live' a body, a brain, a heart and a soul . . . these are your living tools. To use and develop them isnot a tas". . . . It is a golden opportunity. eople use the golden tool to create the worldaround us, to create superior conditions for our living, to preserve the others around us. It isan example of empathy and compassion.(owever, )ust as everything, my nuclear has its own defects too. $ur complex body and brainis distinct to every individual. *e colour the general world, but we also manage to stain,disfigure the canvas of the individuals. As the high intellectual we presume we are, withoutrealisation or most of the time without caring for the others or too much self&caring we tendto compromise others feelings which leads to the discolour of the every individuals world,canvas. *e somehow manage to modulate or have the contribution practically to everythingaround us. +o matter if it’s the sun, the weather, people’s faith, feelings, living conditions,nature, we have the ability to contribute towards a change but unfortunately it’s not always positive. $ur most imperfect feature is self&caring. $ur universe is so complex and elaborated that it is truly a mission to comprehend what itcontains; so large there are an infinite options of describing it yet not a lot comes to mind, it’sfar beyond our understanding, we are )ust a part of it however we ta"e over its landing alongwith the other creatures left behind on this planet but being the intellectual ones, we consider it as ours. In conclusion, the world around me is formed by the people that surround me although it’s far beyond that. iterally the world around me is planet #arth but metaphorically it’s the peoplewho colour my world depending on the season. -ometimes it’s dull, blac" and emits sadnessand sometimes its coloured bright, with rainbows and full of happiness. I am still confused towhat is the world around me but I am certainly sure of the fact that a world without peoplefor me would not be possible; which I guess ma"es me an extrovert person )ust li"e everyoneelse