points on the topic why elections?
The nature of democracy is that elected officials are accountable to the people, and they must return to the voters at prescribed intervals to seek their mandate to continue in office. For that reason most democratic constitutions provide that elections are held at fixed regular intervals.
लोकतंत्र की प्रकृति यह है कि निर्वाचित अधिकारी लोगों के प्रति जवाबदेह होते हैं, और उन्हें पद पर बने रहने के लिए अपना जनादेश प्राप्त करने के लिए निर्धारित अंतराल पर मतदाताओं के पास लौटना चाहिए। इसी कारण से अधिकांश लोकतांत्रिक संविधान यह प्रावधान करते हैं कि चुनाव निश्चित नियमित अंतराल पर हों।
Elections are because to elect the leader to rule the people as per democracy . democracy means people rule or people power we elect them because to take care of our facility . democracy is for the people and ,democray is by the people , democracy is for sake of the people . By the votes we elect the leader to rule as in right manner . we have power to elect another one in next elections because vote one each one only.