political conditions in tamil nadu
Hi my dear friend,
The current situation in TN politics is very pathetic. There is no mass leader of appeal with both JJ and Karunanidhi out of circulation.
The left over party of AIADMK will die a natural death once the term of the MLAs comes to an end, either by 2021 or much before by dissolving the assembly which is expected.
Existing DMK has lost all its lustre thanks to deep rooted corruption and lack of leaders. There is still a committed voter base, though eroding.
There are many other parties, most of them are small and insignificant. They added to the allies list but never to the vote share in the past, save Vijaykanth. He has lost credibility totally. Parties like PMK, VCMK etc.. are nowhere in the reckoning.
That leaves the ground ideal for new entrants with credibility and leadership skills. BJP does not seem to be making any move. Local leadership is weak.
Kamal and Rajini have entered the arena. Kamal is our Imran Khan - well known but not a great reputation. He will not make his mark.
That leaves only Rajini in the field - if he forms an alliance with BJP, which will provide money and foot soldiers, it could be a strong team to form the rule.