English, asked by babusonrongphar, 3 months ago

political Science
Challenges of Nalion Builde​


Answered by Alaina6


The first challenge was to shape a nation that was united, yet accommodative of the diversity in our society. There were different culture, religions, languages in the country. It was a very serious question of unity and integration which was to be solved by the leaders. The second challenge was to establish democracy.

Answered by wwwShritikonaBaidya


Nation-building is constructing or structuring a national identity using the power of the state.[1][2] Nation-building aims at the unification of the people within the state so that it remains politically stable and viable in the long run. According to Harris Mylonas, "Legitimate authority in modern national states is connected to popular rule, to majorities. Nation-building is the process through which these majorities are constructed."[3]

Nation builders are those members of a state who take the initiative to develop the national community through government programs, including military conscription and national content mass schooling.[4][5][6] Nation-building can involve the use of propaganda or major infrastructure development to foster social harmony and economic growth. According to Columbia University sociologist Andreas Wimmer, three factors tend to determine the success of nation-building over the long-run: "the early development of civil-society organisations, the rise of a state capable of providing public goods evenly across a territory, and the emergence of a shared medium of communication.".[7][8]

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