politics and politicians in india essay in 100 words
he world “politics” represents the diverse world of relationships, activities, behavior, orientation, views and communication links regarding government and governance. The main subject of the politics is the social (ethnic) group with its political organizations, institutions, movements and leaders. The purpose of the politics is to guide public development in a positive direction by identifying common objectives and ways of achieving them.
Politics is a science and an art. It was considered a science since the time the mankind developed the laws of social development, which influenced the political life. Politics can also be viewed as an art and it has to deal with the subjective side of the political process and involves the use of experience, intuition, creative courage and imagination.
The term “politics” was introduced by the Greek philosopher Aristotle, who defined it as is a civilized form of community that serves the “common good”. It can also be translated from Greek as “an art of government”. It is aimed at normalizing relations between the different social groups in order to determine the objectives, forms and content of state activity.
Politics is an integral part of modern society and has a complex, multi-dimensional structure. The target of politics is the various social groups – classes, community, international organizations, political parties, foundations, forms of government, and so on. These are all the structures that are able to operate freely and independently. These organizations carry certain information and their functions are not identical.
The main goal of politics is the world peace. However, peace is not merely the absence of violence; it goes much further. Peace can be granted only when justice is done everywhere. It is a utopia that can never be reached on Earth. In spite of this, the aim and objective of politics is to work in this direction and make sure that people live in peace and freedom. Every political system, every organization of power is imperfect and temporary. Any attempt to create an ideal society fails and leads to the limits of power.
Politics has nothing to do with the notion of harmony of the left and right-wing ideologies. Politics means fighting and arguing, not only in hopes of finding the best solution, but also in relation to the fundamental issues. The recent debate about the limits and possibilities of genetic engineering can serve as a good example.
we are slaves today..why? simply because the common community of India is just simply being neglected and harrassed ...we are only remembered during the time of elections.as thrifty vote banks ..for use of which person?
yes you guessed it right!
they are the POLITICIANS who seem to exploit us more than enough and give as almost peanuts in return.
there are hundreds of hopes of a common person when he votes for a particular party .
new roads better facilities and services
proper industries and food supply including sanitation and cleanliness systems are demanded
but resulting in only false assurances
as I say,
the POLITICS in India is very dirty..
only comprising of POLITICAL scenarios and POLITICAL DRAMA
Even if a short thing occurs..it is taken to the heights of elongating sequences by politicians
today's POLITICIANS leave no stone unturned to make their houses filled with false glory and black money. they do all kinds of corrupt practices to suit their wants
till earlier it wasn't the same..
we indeed had good people too who cared for us and shaped India..
but we have to accept it..