pollution case studies in india and abroad
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The extent of pollution due to various industries located in these areas, and due to discharge of municipal wastes is identified and the plans of various organizations in combating the pollution and saving the streams from the onslaught of indiscriminate industrialization are identified. It is concluded from this study that while there are a few success stories in preserving the quality of streams in India, the challenges posed to the environmental engineers of the country are many.
Since there is no life with water because rivers are the heart of our economy and culture, it is the life-giving elixir. Water resource pollution is a major issue both in India and abroad as it not only impacts the health of individuals and wildlife but also the overall economy of the country.
- By critically analysing and interpreting data on the numerous Physico-chemical variables, this study assesses a substantial number of studies published by various scientists on river water contamination in India and abroad.
- It uncovers that the river water in India and elsewhere is highly polluted in terms of physically, chemically, as well as bacteriologically with different toxic wastes, including both chemical and microbial, coming from a range of sources such as industries.
- Furthermore, following careful analysis and interpretation of the information and discussions provided in various research papers, this work recognizes and describes the interrelationship among different Physico-chemical parameters.