Polyester, a synthetic fiber, was invented in 1941 by British chemists. This polyester is used to create fleece- a so-called man-made wonder. This is not the fleece that we have always known- that which comes from the fur of sheep, but a synthetic fabric that can keep one warm and is soft and light-weight. Fibers of polyester are woven into a light fabric and brushed to increase its volume. You might have come across this fabric in a jacket or a soft blanket. Saba wants to purchase a warm blanket. She prefers to buy a woollen blanket instead of the fleece one. What could be the reason(s) for her choice? 1. Wool is soft and warm. 2. Wool is more durable than fleece. 3.Wool is environment friendly*
1 point
a) BOTH 1 & 2
b)BOTH 2 & 3
c) 1 2 & 3
d)BOTH 1 & 3
Q2.Shyam put some gram seeds in a vessel and pour some water on them. After a few minutes some seeds started to float on top. This is because the seeds which float are healthy ,hollow and have become lighter *
1 point
Q3. Which of these statements is not true about fertilisers? 1) It is an inorganic salt 2) It provides humus to the soil 3) It is rich in plant nutrients 4) Can be prepared in the field *
1 point
a) 1,2 & 3
b) 2 & 3
c) 2 & 4
d) 1& 4
Q4. The monomer of cellulose is: *
1 point
a) fructose
b) glucose
c) Lactose
d) none of these
Q5. It is a man made fibre which is strong,elastic and light. It is lustorous and easy to wash. Articles like socks,ropes,tents,toothbrushes,car seat belts,sleeping bags,curtains e.t.c.It is also used for making parachute ropes and ropes for rock climbing. Identify the fibre. *
1 point
a) Acrylic fibre
b) Rayon
c) Nylon
d) Polyester
Q6.A metal "X" grey in colour burns in air producing heat and light and forms a white coloured compound "Y".The compound "Y" further reacts with water to form "Z" which is generally used in the treatment of acidity & Indigestion problems..The substances "X" , "Y" & "Z" are respectively- *
1 point
a) Aluminium, Aluminium oxide & Aluminium hydroxide
b) Zinc, Zinc oxide & Zinc hydroxide
c) Calcium, Calcium oxide & calcium hydroxide
d) Magnesium, Magnesium oxide & Magnesium hydroxide
Q7."Copper metal reacts with zinc sulphate solution and displaces zinc forming copper sulphate solution". This statement is- *
1 point
Q8. It is a tough,porous and black substance. It is an almost pure form of carbon. It is used in the manufacture of steel and in the extraction of many metals. Identify the black substance. *
1 point
a) Coal tar
b) Coal gas
c) Charcoal
d) Coke
Q9. The first oil well in India was struck at Makum in the year 1867. It is in the state of *
1 point
a) Gujarat
b) Tripura
c) Maharastra
d) Assam
Q10. Acid rain contains- *
1 point
a) Oxides of carbon & nitrogen
b) Oxides of sulphur & carbon
c) Oxides of sulphur & nitrogen
d) Oxides of nitrogen & zinc
Q11.The forces acting on a plastic bucket containing water held above ground level in your hand are- *
1 point
a) Gravitational force & Magnetic force
b) Gravitational force & Frictional force
c) Muscular force & gravitaitonal force
d) Muscular force & Frictional force
Q12.The standard unit of pressure is: *
1 point
a) newton per metre
b) newton per centimetre
c) newton per centimetre square
d) newton per metre square
Q13. Given below are the harmful effects of weeds on crop plant: 1. They interfere in harvesting. 2. They help crop plants to grow healthy. 3. They compete with crop plants for water,nutrients,space and light. 4.They affect the plant growth. Choose the correct combination of the statements.*
1 point
a) 1,3 & 4
b) only 3
c) 3 & 4
d) 1,2,3 & 4
Q14. Which of the following groups contains all synthetic substances? *
1 point
a) Nylon, terylene,wool
b) Cotton,polycot,rayon
c) PVC, polythene,bakelite
d) Acrylic,silk,wool
Q15. Materials which can be drawn into wires are called ductile materials. Which of the following is not a ductile material? *
1 point
a) Silver
b) Gold
c) Copper
d) Sulphur
Q16. Generally metals reacts with dilute acids to produce *
1 point
a) Metal hydroxide or base
b) metallic salt & hydrogen gas
c) metallic salt & carbondioxide
d) metal oxide & hydrogen gas
Q17. When coal burns completely in air *
1 point
a) carbon monoxide is formed
b) sulphur dioxide is formed
c) oxygen is formed
d) carbon dioxide is formed.
Q18.During dry weather while combing hair,sometimes we experience hair flying apart. The force responsible for this is*
1 point
a) force of gravity
b) electrostatic force
c) force of friction
d) magnetic force
Q19.In which season,the frequency of irrigation is required at a higher rate? *
1 point
a) Summer
b) Monsoon
c) Winter
d) Autumn
Q20.Which activity of the farmer can promote growth of earthworms and microbes in the field? *
1 point
a) Levelling
b) Sowing
c) Ploughing
d) Weeding
Answered by
Answer:1) both 1&3
3)c 2&4
6)aluminum hydroxide and magnesium hydroxide
10)sulfer oxides & nitrogen oxides 11)muscular and gravitational force 12)square centimeter
14)PVC ,polythene,bakelite
16)hydrogen gas and metallic acid 17)Carbon di oxide
18)electrostatic force
hope this is helpful.
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