Polythene shopping bags and wrappers are a potential threat to urban environment. Once you have discarded them after used, you do not lose your link with them. They return to you in a variety of ways, though you do not realize it. For example, they choke your drains and provide breeding facilities for deadly germs. A recent study has shown that about 250 tones of plastic wastes come out of various colonies of major cities alone every day. This disrupts the sewer system, the essential arteries of city life, choke the land mass and clog the pores of the wet lands. Unfortunately, even the villages and small towns are not free from this danger. Millions of people returning to their home towns every day carry their shopping in colorful plastic bags. This pleases their family and children, who after preserving them for a long time dispose them in wells, rivers, tanks and drains. Many throw them off into the fields. They did it with a sense of pride, to show off. When their neighbors see that their men from the cities regularly send them those good things of life, they are pleased. In Delhi, the worst offenders are the upper income group of the so-called posh colonies. Though educated, the residents of those affluent areas are unaware of the damage done by the plastic bags. Nearly a million children in Delhi schools carry their lunch boxes in plastic bags. They callously throw them away and cause unhealthy environment. As it is convenient for mothers to wrap the food in plastic, it is difficult to persuade them against doing this. According to a drill master of a school in R.K Puram, it becomes a drill to clean the fields after the children leave. When the mid-day meal scheme is fully implemented, it must be seen that no plastic wrappers are used. As these wrappers are light in weight, they are borne aloft by the wind causing visual shocks. Unlike cotton or paper bags, they remain dissolved in the mud and stop the rain water from seeping deep into the earth. This affects the natural growth of greenery.
a) How do polythene bags become health hazard?
b) What are the findings of the latest research about plastic waste?
c) What do the villagers want to convey to their neighbours by throwing the plastic bags into fields?
d) How do school children pollute the environment?
e) How do the plastic bags hamper the growth of greenery?
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a) Poly bags are very susceptible to fire. They burn faster than paper or cloth because of their synthetic nature. When burnt, these bags produce an enormous amount of toxins and pollutants.
b) Unfortunately, even the villages and small towns are not free from this danger. Millions of people returning to their home towns every day carry their shopping in colorful plastic bags
C) Nearly a million children in Delhi schools carry their lunch boxes in plastic bags. They callously throw them away and cause unhealthy environment. As it is convenient for mothers to wrap the food in plastic, it is difficult to persuade them against doing this.
d) Unlike cotton or paper bags, they remain dissolved in the mud and stop the rain water from seeping deep into the earth. This affects the natural growth of greenery.