English, asked by rakibkhan3091, 1 year ago

Poonam is wearing a pretty blue dress. What is the pronoun in this sentence?


Answered by PatelHiral

Pretty is the pronoun in this sentence


Because pronoun is a word which tells about the person how she is or describes a person

Answered by Niruru

Poonam is wearing a pretty blue dress.

▪There is no pronoun in the sentence. Poonam is a Noun as the name of person is specifically declared thus it is Proper Noun.

▪All naming words are known as Noun and Pronoun is the word which is being used at the place of noun.

▪For the above sentence, pronoun can be used in the following way :-

She is wearing a pretty blue dress.

She is Personal Pronoun which is used to replace name of a person.

1st Person - I

2nd Person - We, they, you

3rd Person - He, she, it

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