English, asked by Alex591, 7 months ago

Portia: …………but now I was the lord
Of this fair mansion, master of my servants,
Queen o’er myself; and even now, but now,
Bassanio: Madam, you have bereft me of all words
a) Where are Portia and Bassanio? Two other people were present. Name them. What act did Bassanio perform immediately before this extract which made Portia to say these words? What does “but now” in the opening line mean? [4]
b) When, in the line 3, Portia says “but now”, what does she mean? How is the meaning brought out in what she goes on to say? [4]
c) Express Bassanio’s words in simple language. What is Bassanio’s reaction to Portia’s self surrender to him? Why does he feel this way? [4]
d) Earlier what did Bassanio mean while saying “ The world is still deceived with ornament”. Mention at least three examples which Bassanio had given to prove his words. [4]
e] Portia gives proof of her love for Bassanio, later, in two ways. What are these two ways? [4]


Answered by sushmarana258

pls answer the question fast because I want also the answer

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